Check out Fine Cocks in This "Beautiful Chickens" Book
I'm no Chicken Fancier but get ready for the pedigree cocks and red-breasted chicks provided by this "Beautiful Chickens" book which I found for £2 in an Oxfam today. Because chickens are fun.
Impressive poultry fill the pages of Beautiful Chickens: Portraits of Champion Breeds such as the beautiful the Plymouth Rock Cock and Frizzle Hen.
That sure is a beautiful chicken
Some are clearly chickens, other's look like their tyrannosaur ancestors. A few look like feather dusters with feet but all of them are caught in a pose filled with character.
I've never raised chickens and I couldn't name a single breed, but this book leapt off the shelf at me between stacks of dusty second-hand books.
Poland Hen / Original photo: Andrew Perris
I decided to add it to my photobook collection the moment I saw the words "Beautiful Chickens". Sold. Nuff' said as far as I'm concerned.
A book of the finest cocks for my coffee table.
Belgian Barbu D'anvers Cock / Original photo: Andrew Perris
The photography of these champion breeds by Andrew Perris has the hurried look of a probably frustrating photoshoot yet it still captures the spark of life in the eyes of these funny animals.
I cannot imagine that chicken portraits are easy. I hope they're not drugged. Let's not think about it. The photography is great and each characteristic detail is brought out so that every idiosyncrasy is highlighted.
Cochin Cock / Original photo: Andrew Perris
Most importantly, the silliness of these jester-like birds is present in every picture.
Love it.